5 Reasons To Promote Your Business With A Podcast

5 Reasons To Promote Your Business With A Podcast

Business podcasts are one of the fastest-growing marketing tools, and the signs only point towards a further increase in momentum. With advancements in global technology, forward-thinking businesses are continuously finding new ways to connect with prospective customers and communicate with existing ones as well. There is an understanding that in order to stay competitive, you must keep up with the changing times and evolving customer behavior.

Judging by the increasing popularity of audiobooks, many people seem to prefer listening to content as opposed to reading it. This presents an excellent opportunity for businesses to leverage the power of podcasting to drive growth. When done right, the results can improve your client relationships and even increase your sales. In this article, we reveal 5 reasons to promote your business with a podcast.

1. Increasingly busy schedules mean that people have less time to read your content

Based on the number shows in my Netflix queue, it is fair to say we have a few things competing for our attention. This means we are constantly looking for more efficient ways to get things done. If we can get something on-the-go, even better, and this is where business podcasts can be a game-changer.

In 2016 an average two-way commute in the US was reported to take over 52 minutes. That’s nearly an hour a day traveling to and from work. In contrast, the average podcast lasted about 43 minutes, according to an analysis of over 10 million podcast episodes. This means that your audience could potentially listen to a full episode during their daily commute alone. Communicating to your audience through a medium that allows them to multitask creates a win-win situation for everyone involved. 

2. Business podcasts increase your sources of traffic, helping you to reach more people

Podcasting has a knack for helping businesses to expand their audience. The simple fact that more people are listening to podcasts today than ever before is just one reason. In addition, your business can distribute its audio content through many different channels. After you’ve published your podcast through your own website and social media, you have the opportunity to share it even further through popular hosting platforms such as Buzzsprout and Podbean and distribute it to streaming sites like iTunes and Spotify to name only a few.

In the process, your business can uncover new target audiences that you weren’t previously aware of. The opportunity for growth here is exponential, depending on your goals and the level of resources you have available. As you discover new audiences, you can develop fresh content tailored to that particular segment, creating a snowball effect that can result in even more traffic.

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3. Podcasting makes an impact, allowing you to build stronger relationships with your audience

As we all know, the competition to gain people’s attention is fierce. The good news is that if users decide to stick around and listen to your podcast, it means you’re doing something right, and you have an opportunity to inspire action. This attention will be harder to gain, but once you have it, your followers will more easily become connected to the mission of your business and you as a leader simply by hearing your voice on a weekly basis. In order to reap the benefits, your podcast must tick a few boxes first.

Insightful content

Is the information you provide useful, and is there an opportunity to learn something new or surprising?

Captivating discussions

Is the subject matter interesting and are people left with a feeling of excitement for future episodes?

Accessibility and convenience

How is the content delivered, and is the information easy to digest for your target audience?


Do you have a good working knowledge of the topics you’re discussing, and does it clearly come across in your content?

By championing these key points, your business podcast will be well on its way to building stronger relationships that leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Related: Why All Coaches Should Have a Podcast

4. You can position yourself as a thought-leader within your industry

As a business, you are expected to have a thorough understanding of your particular niche or overall industry sector. Through informed opinions that don’t just follow the status quo, you can become a trusted source that people turn to when they are looking for information. This puts your business in the spotlight, which is a great form of promotion in its own right.

By showcasing your expertise on a consistent basis, your listeners begin to view you as a thought-leader in your field. You can be seen as someone who elicits innovative ideas and shows people how they can implement techniques to create their own success. Over time your followers will turn into a dedicated group of advocates, and word of mouth is the cheapest advertising you can get!

5. You will generate more leads who are more likely to convert into customers

The people who follow your podcast are the same ones who have higher chances of buying your products or services. Remember that people don’t just buy from companies. They prefer to do business with and refer those that they like, know, and trust.

 All the helpful information you would have provided without outrightly trying to sell to them works in your favor. Your followers will have established a closeness with you, without ever having been in your physical presence. As a result, you will benefit from a long list of primed leads who have a natural interest in what you have to offer and are therefore more likely to become your customers in the future.

Why podcasting should be included in your marketing planning

Business podcasts are an ideal way to boost your existing marketing efforts. The convenience your podcast affords, the extra traffic you’ll receive, the impact your content can have with a well-informed strategy, and the level of authority you will hold in the minds of your listeners are all reasons a business podcast can position your company to gain more customers and propel growth for years to come.

Want to kick start your new podcast? Our checklist helps you launch your podcast in 30 days. Grab it here.



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