How to Use TikTok to Market Your Podcast

How to Use TikTok to Market Your Podcast

Ah, TikTok. If you know it, you love it. If you’ve never used it, then you probably still don’t understand what it is. 

That’s all right! Not everyone is on every available social media platform, nor do you have to be. But if you’re looking for an additional way to market your podcast, we’d be remiss to not talk about how you can use TikTok.

Understand the platform

Before we even get into marketing strategies, you need to understand how TikTok works. If you’ve been on the platform for years, then congratulations, you can move on to the next step. If you haven’t, then you should pause here for a while.

Sign up for TikTok and explore. See what content attracts your attention. Make notes on what works and what doesn’t. Practice making a couple of videos. Understand the process of engaging with this specific platform.

As is the case with all social media, each site has its own quirks and distinct ways of doing things. You want to have a good grasp on this before you start trying to market your podcast. Otherwise, you’ll come off as a phony. 

Be valuable

The golden rule of self-promotion and marketing? Offer value to your consumers. TikTok is, first and foremost, a social media platform meant to entertain people. You’ll only find success here if you tap into that. 

To be valuable doesn’t necessarily mean you have to provide actionable tips or educational lessons. In fact, it’s probably best if you don’t on a site like TikTok. Instead, entertain your audience. That’s as valuable as anything. 

Related: How to Get More Podcast Listeners Through Social Media

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Don’t make it all about self-promotion

If the only thing you’re ever posting is marketing materials for your podcast, people are going to tune out from that fast. Viewers don’t want to watch you try to sell them something. They want you to entertain them. If you’re successful in that, then you can plug your projects every once in a while

Limited self-promotion goes hand-in-hand with being valuable. You want to make people like you and what you’re offering through TikTok. If they like you enough, they’ll find you on additional platforms, including your podcast. Those are going to be the best types of fans, too, because they genuinely believe in you and your message. If you get someone to leave one platform and follow you on another, you’ve likely found a very loyal listener. 

Ask yourself if TikTok makes sense for your podcast

Just like not every person has to be on every social media platform, you also don’t have to market your podcast on every platform. Take a moment to think about your audience, your podcast’s genre, and whether TikTok is a good match for you. 

It’s essential to keep in mind TikTok’s built-in user base is skewed to the younger side. A majority of its users are between 16-24 years old, and there are very few users over the age of 35. So, ask yourself if that’s the demographic you want to be targeting. 

If your podcast is about something like, say, starting a new business in retirement...then TikTok is not going to be a good way to spend your time. 

Another aspect to consider is that TikTok creators put out predominantly comedic material. If your podcast falls under the comedy genre, this is an excellent thing for you because you can comfortably ingratiate yourself into the TikTok environment. 

On the other hand, if you’re producing a dark true-crime mystery...perhaps TikTok would feel a little tone-deaf. 

Content you can post

All right, so you’ve decided that TikTok is for you, but now you’re wondering what exactly you should post. Here are some possibilities: 

  • Bloopers from your recordings

  • TikTok-specific jokes that tangentially relate to your podcast

  • Standalone clips from your podcast

  • Short tip videos

Don’t be afraid to post content that’s completely unrelated to your podcast as well. Just like being a good podcast host involves connecting with your audience, the same can be said for engaging TikTok viewers. Focus more on what you’re offering than what you’re promoting, and you’ll be off to a great start. 

So, what are you waiting for? The beauty of TikTok is that you don’t have to make super polished videos, just enjoyable ones. So, grab your phone and start practicing! And just remember: be authentic, creative, and original.

TikTok is one way to grow your show. If you’re looking for more growth strategies, download our guide to growth and monetization here.



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