How Long It Really Takes To Create A Podcast

How Long It Really Takes To Create A Podcast

Thinking of starting a podcast but unsure how much time it really takes to create good content? You’re not alone. Many people only see the finished product and don’t appreciate the amount of work that takes place behind the scenes.

While podcasting is a world of fun, you need to dedicate enough time to get the most out of it. How much time? Well, that depends on many different factors. In this post, we break down some different elements that are involved to help you determine how long it might really take you to create a podcast.

Research and preparation

Preparation is key to the success of any podcast. If you deliver lots of factual information – for example, your podcast is scientific in nature – you will likely need to spend many more hours doing your research. Ensuring that sources are correct and credible will only add to that time as well.

After you’ve gathered all your information, you’ll need to spend some time planning the best format for each episode. This will include the presentation and order of each segment. The same goes for more general topics that may not require the same level of research.

It might be less of a fact-finding mission but the rest of your preparation will still need high attention to detail, which needs time, for the best results.

Related: How to Define the “Why” for Your Podcast and Write a Mission Statement

Special guests

If you’re a solo podcaster, this step isn’t necessarily for you. If you’d like to host special guests however, then it adds an extra layer of tasks for you to complete.

Guest scheduling can be tricky business. Responses to your requests can be delayed, there can often be overlaps in your preferred times for recording sessions, and so on. As a result, you need to give yourself enough time – which could be weeks – to be able to adjust if plan A falls through. By spending a little bit of time on a contingency plan at the beginning, you can save yourself a lot more time reacting to a setback later.

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Recording episodes

Now for the fun part - recording your podcast. The time it takes will vary greatly and depends on several factors.

  • The final length of each episode.

  • The equipment you have at your disposal.

  • Whether you’re on your own or have a team around you.

  • Whether you have dedicated studio space or you’re improvising.

Your unique situation will determine how long recording takes. Dedicated studio space, for example, will be hassle-free and save you a lot more time than other alternatives. If you’re the entire team, on the other hand, then it’ll understandably mean each episode takes longer to record.


If you’re killing it, sponsors will be lining up to gain some extra exposure through your podcast. This will extend the time it takes to record your episodes even further. Whether you record sponsored segments within the podcast or separately, the sponsor will need the ad to fully cover their brief. Factor in more time to ensure you get the takes perfect to encourage future partnerships.

Editing your content

To no surprise, the longer your episode length, the longer the editing process will take. Spend as much time as necessary during editing to get the final product just right. Upwards of 5 hours to edit a 1-hour interview isn’t too hard to believe. Knowing that, hiring an editor could save you lots of time, if you’re in a position to do so.

Additional audio and visual elements

Sound effects and graphics give your podcast that little extra that can make you stand out in an increasingly crowded space. Adding the critical finishing touches to your content will need some extra man-hours but will work to the advantage of your podcast in the long-run.

Related: The Best Podcast Editing Services

Promotional material

So you’ve recorded and edited your content. Job done, right? Not quite. If you want to get maximum exposure you’ll want to promote your great content on social media. This requires a little bit more work.

A great way to promote your episodes is by creating small teaser clips for your listeners. You can drip feed these to your audience on various social media platforms and create buzz around each episode. To achieve this you’ll need to add some extra time to the editing process. But if one of your main goals is to increase your following it’ll be time well spent.

It’s as long as you make it

How long it really takes to create a podcast will vary from podcaster to podcaster. Remember that shorter podcasts created from the comfort of your bedroom can still be of high-quality. Studio space and professional equipment will go a long way of course but aren’t absolutely essential if you’re just starting out.

If you have a busy lifestyle already, work within your means. But above all, enjoy the process.

That being said, we do have a few tools that will make your life a lot easy and maybe even save you some time. Start with our checklist for launching a podcast in 30 days.



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